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About Us

About Black Church Plays

The plays in our collection are God inspired scripts intended for performances before Christian audiences.

Roosevelt Wright, Jr., began writing and producing plays for the Tabernacle Baptist Church when when he was a teenager. In the more than 50 years that have followed his plays have been performed across the USA.

With a speech and Drama Degree from the University of Louisiana, Pastor Wright has served on the Directing staff of the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education, and as the drama director for the Louisiana Baptist Youth Encampment.

His book, “Drama for the Black Church” is used by churches, schools and seminaries across the country.

This collection of plays also includes titles from other talented playwrights whose gifts are amazing.

Imbedded in every play is a gospel message that shows the audience the godly perspective of the issues addressed.

Black Church Plays provides resource materials and skits that specifically address concerns in the African-American community for the purpose of showing a Christian response to today’s problem.