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An Act of Faith
This skit by Bruce Allison depicts a man who meets Jesus as he carried the cross and gains faith and a healing. 7 characters. One Scene. 15 minutes. Light costumes.
Because I Care
Two elderly women discuss how terrible youth are; then they meet some Christian youth who prove not all you are bad.
Crippled Before Crowned
This play by Kellye and Patrick Alston shows a difficult doctor who has to make tough decisions about about life without faith in God. His final choice shows faith in action. 13 characters. 45 minutes
Dreams on Fire
When a preacher sets out to build a new church he neglects his marriage in the process. When both the new church and his marriage come under attack his dreams are threatened, but God acts. 100 minutes. 2 Acts. 22 Characters. Music tracks and Videos sold separately. $20.00 #4005
Grandma's Bible
A young man spends his life in poverty. His only possession is Grandman's Bible. It took him a lifetime to learn its secret. This play is perfect for Christian Education programs and activities that emphasize the importance of reading the bible and trusting God. 8 Characters. Many non-speaking parts can be added. Singing and dancing can be added as well.
Seven nurses learn the power of prayer to help them deal with the COVID crises they faced daily in the Intensive Care Unit.
When a family loses its income and faces financial ruin and internal conflict, it finds strength to wait on the Lord. The entire family emerges from a period of loss and steps into a new season.
The Broken Winged Dove
Based on the true story of Kimberly Crane this play shows a high school student who refused to let a brain tumor stop her from graduating from high school. Though blind and cripple she relied on faith in God and on her graduation day, defied skeptics and walked across the stage to receive her diploma. There are 26 characters
The Greatest Miracle of All
When Christ changes a life based on faith, it is greatest miracle of all times. This skit by Edward Bivins takes place in the aftermath of the crucifixion. It depicts Peter, James, John, Thomas and Christ in a faith building episode. 8 characters. 15 minutes. Costumes would be great, but not required.
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